2023 Pourinsea Group's trip to Xi 'an


2023 Pourinsea Group's trip to Xi 'an

        In order to thank the employees for their hard work and efforts to further enhance the cohesion of the company's team, with the strong support of the shareholders of Pourinsea Technology Group, we carried out a four-day exploration trip in Xi 'an, the ancient capital of 13 dynasties, and the members of the group went to this splendid date and felt the historical and cultural context of Chang 'an City together.


Team Photo

Pourinsea Group

Pourinsea Group

Pourinsea Group

Pourinsea Group

Pourinsea Group

        On this trip, we visited Xi'an City Wall with a thousand-year history and culture; Yongxingfang brings together provincial intangible cultural heritage food, municipal intangible cultural heritage food, as well as handmade folk art performances and famous snacks from around the country; Located at the foot of the Dayan Pagoda -- Datang Everbright City; Zhaoling -- one of the most magnificent Tang imperial tombs; Emperor Qinshihuangs Mausoleum Site Park that amaze the world; The Huaqing palace, where the feudal emperors of the Tang Dynasty traveled, and the Xi'an Museum, where the footprints of the ancient civilization and history of this ancient capital are well preserved.


Blaze A Trail, Start A New Journey

Pourinsea Group

Pourinsea Group

        ‘Blaze A Trail, Start A New Journey’ is the core spirit of our trip to Xi 'an. Li Silin, general manager, proposed that as Pourinsea’s staff, we should uphold the words of "objective, realistic, integrity, and responsibility". We should be full of expectations for the future, seek opportunities in crisis, control our emotions, refuse to lie down, and restart a new journey.

        Li Yunqiu, general manager, always talked about the development of the company, always inseparable from the word "professional", the company has actively transformed from the form of trade to the current first-line brand authorization agent, the future we will include all the products that can bring development to the company, and the road to the construction of the product line is endless. At the same time, the business should not confine itself with narrow thoughts, but should focus on customer relations and clearly understand that customers are the basis for our survival. Zhuhai Group with the "electronic component agent + to create the best independent research and development production brand" two-hand model, looking for the best way to meet the future development, but also aims to encourage everyone to do "self-improvement" Pourinsea’s staff.

Pourinsea Group

        The representatives of each branch actively spoke, and the interesting things and puzzles encountered in work and life were exchanged face-to-face, which deepened the familiarity with each other and improved the cohesion of Zhuhai team members.

Pourinsea Group

        The four days and three nights of Xi'an group building trip fleeting, we not only visited the thousand-year-old city with heavy history and humanities, feel the atmosphere of a different cultural heritage, but also in the process of deepening mutual understanding between colleagues, we have reluctant to part with the nostalgia, but also for the next reunion of the expectations. In the future, we will continue to embrace the enthusiasm, full of passion for teamwork, the spirit of moving forward into the work, hand in hand, support each other, unity and hard work, the courage to scale new heights, for the development of Pourinsea Technology Group to contribute to their own strength!

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