

TDK, a global electronic materials and components producer since 1935, has made significant achievements in the electronics industry. Its products have been widely used in IT, communication, home appliances, and consumer electronic products including, cellular phones, notebook computers, flat panel displays, automobiles, industrial and so on. TDK’s business in China dates back to the 60’s when a joint venture was set up in Taiwan. Sales offices and production facilities were later established in Hong Kong. TDK marked its long-term relationship with China in the 80’s when its first production facility was established in the Mainland. Now, the production and business sales site had been set up in various locations through Eastern, Southern and Northern China.

Moving forward, TDK is committed to extend its business portfolio in China. New strategies will be adopted in customer service, manufacturing, and product development. Customer services including product application, design-in, and prototype will be strengthened in order to better support customers at the early stages of their product development. Of course, we will be having a highly flexible and responsive manufacturing system to accommodate diverse customers’ requirements in mass production phase. TDK will also be more active to develop products specifically for the China market, and local materials of China will be sought where applicable. Furthermore, we are committed to contribute to the society with our achievement in developing the new energy technology, such as electric vehicle, solar energy, LED and so on.

TDK (China) Co., Ltd., was established in Shanghai, China in 2004. Today TDK (China) Co., Ltd. is the headquarters company in China area.
TCN provides support and overall guidance to manufacturing and marketing bases in China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan). It also is tasked with devising regional strategies for efficient and swift of operations in keeping with the expansion of the TDK Group

All staff members have expertise in specific areas and are engaged in realizing the medium term policy of “continuously improving management quality, revamping operations, and strengthening resilience against internal and external risks in manufacturing, marketing, and back-office operations.”

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