HIS 06K N Resistive Type Humidity Sensor

  • HIS 06K N Resistive Type Humidity Sensor
HIS 06K N Resistive Type Humidity Sensor
  • HDK
  • HIS 06K N

Brand of Product:HDK

Part#:HIS 06K N

Product Category:Humidity Sensor

Absolute Maximum RatingsRated VoltageAC 5.5V Max.
Rated Wattage1.0mW
Storage Temerature Range-25℃~70℃
Operating RangeOperating Temperature Range-20℃~60℃
Operating Humidity Range0%RH~90%RH
Electrical CharacteristicsOutput45.8kΩ(at:25℃/50%RH)
Output Accuracy±5%RH(at.25℃/50%RH)

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